
Tuesday 1 September 2015

Harvest Time

With most cereal crops being harvested now, it was no surprise to see plenty of birds making the most of any spillages. In the fields close to Acorn Bridge, on the Wiltshire side of the border, there were plenty of Wood Pigeons "grazing", along with a pair of Carrion Crows.

In the neighbouring meadow and corn field there were two separate Hares and all around were dozens of Swallows, swooping low for flies.

In one of the hedgerows there was a Common Whitethroat scolding me for being too close and overhead a Buzzard flew up into an Ash tree carrying its prey. Before it alighted I could see entrails hanging below its talons, not a pretty sight.

Unfortunately as I closed in on the tree I just couldn't locate it, but it certainly saw me and flew off immediately. It was so close, I couldn't focus the camera quickly enough, as you can tell from the photo below.

This is what happens when you forget to close the gate. Not me I hasten to add.

A mighty beast who was more interested in his herd than me. Big brute!

With the wheat now harvested a Carrion Crow has a bit of a feast, with one of many Wood Pigeons for company. You can just the head of a woody in front of the crow.
A Hare keeps a wary eye on me,while another legged across the recently harvest wheat field.

A Buzzard carrying prey.

Very difficult to see what it was carrying.

But in this shot you can see what looks like an entrail.......

.........below its talons.

I found the tree it was in, but it saw me and before I could focus properly on it, it was gone.
However yet again a few silhouettes of it as it disappeared into the sun......

.............minus the entrail.