At this time of year, bird watching tends to slow down as parents feed their chicks and in general are pretty quiet as they go about their business. So it's no coincidence that June is pretty plentiful when it comes to bugs and one of my favourite walks is around the large field just west of Liddington Hill. I normally park at the top of Folly Farm, and then walk down to the copse and then do a clockwise walk around the field, which year is Rape seed.
The copse in the centre, just down from Folly Farm
And this is where the Broad-bodied Chaser was flying about.
Other highlights were the hundreds of Garden Chafers in the hedgerows, a Common Blue Damselfly and dozens of fly species.
Here are a few images from today.
A Common Blue Damselfly around the copse area.
Orange-spot Piercer, Pammene aurana
Middle-barred Minor, Oligia fasciuncula
Thank you to Steve Nash for ID'ing for me.
Bramble Sawfly, Arge cyanocrocea
Marmalade hoverfly, Episyrphus balteatus
Possibly Andrena fucata
Hoverfly, Melangyna umbellatarum
Ichneumon Wasp, Amblyteles armatorius
Ichneumon Wasp, Therion circumflexum
Tiger Cranefly, Nephrotoma flavescens
A Green Sawfly (Rhogogaster viridis) and behind it is a Golden Dung Fly
Possibly a Dagger Fly!!
Possible Mining Bee
Signal Fly, Platystoma seminationis
Bluebottle Fly
Lacewing, Chrysopa perla
Possibly the same species as above - Chrysopa perla
A plant bug, Grypocoris stysi
Garden Chafers. There were hundreds of them in the hedgerow.
A 7-spot ladybird
Swollen-thighed Beetle, Oedemera nobilis. And lots of these as well.
Cucumber Green Orb Spider - Araniella cucurbitina sensu lato
A different angle of the Cucumber Green Orb Spider
Common Whitethroat, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Wren, Magpie, Rook, Carrion Crow, Jackdaw, 1 juv Starling, Chaffinch, Linnet, Goldfinch, Corn Bunting and Yellowhammer.
5 Large White
3 Small White
1 female Orange-tip
1 Speckled Wood
Dragonflies and Damselflies
Nettle-tap Moth
Orange-spot Piercer, Pammene aurana
Middle-barred Minor, Oligia fasciuncula
Broad-bodied Chaser
Common Blue Damselfly
Melangyna umbellatarum
Marmalade hoverfly, Episyrphus balteatus
Swollen-thighed Beetle, Oedemera nobilis
7-spot Ladybird
Garden Chafer
Grypocoris stysi
Lacewing, Chrysopa perla
Greenbottle Fly
Signal Fly, Platystoma seminationis
Cucumber Green Orb Spider, Araniella cucurbitina sensu lato
Green Sawfly, Rhogogaster viridis
Bramble Sawfly, Arge cyanocrocea
Golden Dung Fly
Ichneumon Wasp, Therion circumflexum
Ichneumon Wasp, Amblyteles armatorius
Tiger Cranefly, Nephrotoma flavescens