
Thursday 24 January 2013

The Sun!!!

What a difference a day makes, especially when the sun comes out. The last few days have seen a lot of cloud and even though it was still freezing today, the birds seem to appreciate some warmth from the sun. Most of the action was in the back garden and as the snow started to melt away, another new species entered the garden.  This time two Pied Wagtails an adult and an immature, bringing the garden total to 12.

Pied Wagtail

Other visitors today were the Starlings on the feeders, a male House Sparrow, a pair of Woodpigeon, the resident Robin and a female Blackbird.


Male House Sparrow


Resident Robin

Female Blackbird

 For a brief moment a Blue Tit was perched in the Plum tree in the neighbours garden before it flew off.

Blue Tit in the Plum tree

On the house behind the back garden the resident pair of Carrion Crows were on an aerial, with the male cawing to the female. I can only presume the male was performing some sort of courtship display. As he was calling, so he continually fanned his tail outwards. The female wasn't that impressed and flew off to the next rooftop.